Develop as a Business Professional on the Global Stage: Three Steps to Clear and Concise English Communication

Develop as a Business Professional on the Global Stage: Three Steps to Clear and Concise English Communication

May 15, 2023

We live in an interconnected world. Maybe you work in a global company. Every day, you are struggling to keep up with copy and emails that you need to write in English. You desire to write articles and posts and express your ideas to a wider audience. The problem is you are uncertain how to express yourself professionally and eloquently. You are concerned that your writing is unclear or wordy. You know there are grammar errors, but you don’t know how to fix them. At times, it feels like you are climbing a mountain.
In the office, you see your colleagues speaking and writing in English. It feels like they are so much better than you. You ask yourself, “How will I be visible in this company? How will I get that promotion?”
You might think it is because:

  • You have not spent enough time in an English-speaking country.
  • You have not found the right resources to help you improve your English.
  • You do not have time to practise writing exercises.

The truth is you need a vision of what you can do, and you need a systematic approach to write clear and concise copy.
Let me use an analogy to help you understand.
You own a house and you want to build an additional room. You and your family are struggling because the house is too small. You think about how an extra room will give you more living space and a better quality of life. How will you build this room?
You need a vision and a systematic approach.
First, your family discusses why they need the room, how much it will cost and what improvement to your life it will make. You gather ideas and consult architects and engineers. Together you draw plans and build a vision board with images of what the extra room will look like and the life you will lead in it. You debate back and forth because it is expensive. But then you consider the value and the quality of life you will receive. Your vision leads you.
Second, engineers assess the house to identify structural improvements needed, and then they enhance the structure to prepare for the expansion.
Third, builders build the extra room and complete the expansion. Amidst the disruption and chaos caused by the building you hold onto your vision and look at your vision board every day.

Similarly, to improve your English so you can write clearly and concisely, you need to follow three steps.

  1. Grasp a vision of being able to write and communicate clear English.
    Without a vision of the end result, it’s hard to climb a mountain. The daily grind of learning is too painful. But with a vision, you can see where every day tasks will take you; you can visualise the new job, the increased pay, the accolades from family. The vision gives you the grit and determination to continue when you want to give up.
  2. Identify key grammar mistakes and know how to correct them
    Grammar mistakes give people a first impression of your writing skill. They also leave a lasting impression. If you are in a job which requires a lot of writing, people also expect you to write correctly. Instead of learning grammar you don’t use every day, identify the mistakes you make consistently and learn the rules regarding those errors. Then learn how to apply them to your writing, and you will write correctly.
  3. Know how to structure clear sentences and increase precise vocabulary
    When your sentences are not clear, your reader can misunderstand your message. When you know the art of creating clear sentences, you will be able to communicate briefly and clearly and readers will want to read your writing and act on it.
    Likewise, knowing the exact word to use, saves you and your reader time as you use fewer words to describe what you mean. Active reading and studying will help you to increase your vocabulary bank.
    You may need to relearn some of these items. As you relearn, it will feel messy and chaotic and like building the extra room you will need to hold onto the vision board amidst the disruption.

    I work with my clients following this approach. I help them visualise their future, climb the mountain and extend their house.
    Before working with me, they felt stuck, and did not know how to move their English skills forward. Now they write more confidently and apply the skills they learnt so they can communicate their thoughts efficiently and achieve their goals.
    Do you need more confidence to write in English and excel in your career? Do you need enhanced vision of your life and achievements for when you have proficient English? Send me a message so we can achieve your goals together!